award letter

Award Letter for RFQ | RFP

Award Letter for RFQ or RFP:

award letterOut of all the letters a Buyer will pen during a work day, the Award Letter for an issued RFQ | RFP is the most enjoyable. Advising a successful bidder they are about to receive the contract for your business is always a pleasant task. Unfortunately, the rejection letters for the remaining bidders should also be issued around the same time. If you are looking for an example of an Award Letter you can use to notify the successful bidder they have been selected or awarded the work please see below.

You can download this free sample award letter here>>> RFQ14 – Award Letter

Visit our special offers page to purchase this template as well as a rejection letter and other everyday  documents in an edit friendly version of Microsoft Word.

Definition of a Request for Proposal

Request for Proposal:

A request for proposal (RFP) is basically a publication of detailed requirements by a prospective buyer in order to solicit vendor quotations. A request for proposal may be issued to select any kind of products (tangibles) and services (non-tangibles). The purpose of the RFP is to provide a fair evaluation for all candidates and to provide the candidates with the evaluation criteria against which they will be judged. The RFP is a tool that helps the buyer select a vendor which best fits the bid requirements.

Thus, the RFP is seen as the bridge between expressed needs and solutions sought.

RFP is also known as: request for proposals, request for bids, request to bid, invitation to bid, ITB, invitation to tender, ITT, invitation to quote, ITQ, invitation for bids, IFB and request for quotation, RFQ.